Privacy Policy
Swift naira (“we” or “us”) understands how important it is to protect your personal data. This policy sets out what information we collect, why we need to collect them, how we use and protect your personal information, and who we might share the data with under certain circumstances. By using our services, you consent to the terms of this privacy policy and agree to be bound by it. 

What Information We Collect 
We collect the following information when you register our product/service:
1. Identification-related information - your name, phone number, age, email address, or other related information. We may also cross-check your identity and the person you have written as your relationship contact with third parties. We will only use this contact information for your identity verification and for contacting you in an emergency. We will NOT use it for loan collection or share your loan information with the contact.
2. Financial-related information - bank verification number (BVN), or any other information required for making credit-related decisions. 
3. Credit-related information - it will be used to assess your eligibility with our credit scoring system. We would collect the information including your device operating system, device make, and model as well as the installed software applications. We may also collect your email and phone book contacts as well as information about device activity such as SMS logs and GPS location facts. Also, we may obtain information from third parties such as credit bureaus and other financial institutions for additional information. By agreeing and following this privacy policy, you specifically authorize us to collect and process data.

Why We Need to Collect Your Information 
We collect your personal information to assess your application and provide better service to you. It is for your verifying your identity and creating credit scoring models to evaluate what loans can be provided for you. Also, we would need to collect the data for credit reporting. 

We would collect information for location from your device to reduce the risks Risks related to your account.

Picking Contact Data:
In the course of our loan application procedure, it's vital that you supply emergency contact details. This allows us to screen for possible fraudulent behavior, contributing to a decrease in adverse loan applications and lessening credit risk. The scope of our data collection is confined to the contacts you designate, encompassing their names, telephone numbers, and any relevant details about your relationship. Your information is securely encrypted and sent through HTTPS to our server at Your privacy is paramount; we do not share this information with third parties absent your consent. Once we've assessed your risk situation, we will expunge the contact details promptly.

We would require access to your camera so that we can serve you with an easy/quick experience. Also, this can activate the feature of picture taking of your KYC documents or other necessary documents. Then, you can submit the pictures for the application for the loan.

To complete the application, you will need to send pictures and/or documents. Thus, we would need your permission to reserve information for the application.

Phone Status:
We would identify you and keep your information secure by using the status of your mobile phone for other parties when they do risk assessments.

Read SMS:
Regarding risk analysis, we would need your SMS information and forward it to to find reliable references to analyze risks. We carry out all procedures in compliance with Nigerian rules and regulations. We want to ask for the READ_SMS access to collect in order to gauge the creditvworthiness of consumers and thus ascertaining they have met our lending criteria. Please be assured that we would not disclose any other irrevalant parties.  

APP List: 
We need your permission on the QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES. Also, we would require a list of installed app metadata information on your device which includes app name, package name, version name, version code, install time, and update time of each installed app. The data will be uploaded to
Through pre-approved personalized loans, we will analyze your reputation and availability.

How We Use Your Personal Information
We mainly store your personal information in a database maintained by our service provider under relevant financial regulations. The information is only used for meeting your request or providing you with services on the app. We will not share your personally identifiable data with third parties except in situations of complying with legal or regulatory obligations. We will take all necessary steps to store, process, and transfer your information safely under this policy.

Who We Might Share the Data With
We may share your information with third parties under certain circumstances. For example, the data may be used with :
1. collections agencies to collect overdue loans;
2. professional advisers to the enforce t or defend our legal rights;
3. credit bureaus to request credit histories or report loan defaults;
4. government bodies or law enforcement agencies to comply with the law;
5. sellers or purchasers regarding company events such as mergers, business acquisitions, or bankruptcy situations.

Contact Us
Please contact for any questions about the privacy policy or other privacy issues.